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2002年電通テック(現 電通クリエーティブX)企画演出部入社。
THE                   DIRECTORS                 GUILD               に参加。

Born in 1978, Osaka, Japan.
While studying architecture at Osaka University,
his approach to communal space was to imagine a family
or community narrative and to conceptualize the design of living spaces
which promoted and encouraged communication
and interaction between people.
This focused his interest on narrative storytelling through
human interaction and emotion, which manifests itself in his films,
and Daisuke the director has often been described
as a visual comedian as he crafts the delicate humor of such situations.

The range of his work is expansive;
Daisuke focuses on strong pictures and binding narrative.

After spending 10 years as a leading director at Dentsu Creative X,
the TV commercial and music video production arm of the agency Dentsu,
Daisuke has become a freelance director
and is spreading his impressive talents to the worldwide market.


2016 Ad Fest FILM LOTUS / ブロンズ受賞 /  " Gin No Sara"

2012 Ad Fest FILM LOTUS / ブロンズ受賞 /  " Gin No Sara"

2011 Ad Fest FILM LOTUS / ブロンズ受賞 /  "FujiQ Amusement Park "

2010 ACC CM Film Festival / ゴールド受賞 / " FujiQ Amusement Park "
2010 ACC CM Film Festival / ブロンズ受賞 / " Gin No Sara "

2009 ACC CM Film Festival / ゴールド受賞 / " KHK Stock Gears "

2008 The Best New Directors by SHOTS
2008 Cannes Lion / Gold(Media Lions) / " Asahi Newspaper "
2008 The Fabulous Four + at Ad Fest

2006 ACC CM Film Festival / シルバー受賞 / " Sun Television "

2016 Ad Fest FILM LOTUS / Bronze /  " Gin No Sara "

2012 Ad Fest FILM LOTUS / Bronze /  " Gin No Sara "

2011 Ad Fest FILM LOTUS / Bronze /  "FujiQ Amusement Park "

2010 ACC CM Film Festival / Gold / " FujiQ Amusement Park "
2010 ACC CM Film Festival / Bronze /  " Gin No Sara "

2009 ACC CM Film Festival / Gold / " KHK Stock Gears "

2008 The Best New Directors by SHOTS
2008 Cannes Lion / Gold ( Media Lions ) / " Asahi Newspaper "
2008 The Fabulous Four + at Ad Fest

2006 ACC CM Film Festival / Silver / " Sun Television "


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